
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University, leading the Computational Motion, Manipulation, and Autonomy (CoMMA) Lab.

For publications and up-to-date information, please look at my lab's website!

Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate and lab manager for the Kavraki Lab at Rice University under the direction of Dr. Lydia Kavraki. During my Ph.D., I was funded by a NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship and worked with the Robonaut 2 team at NASA JSC.

My research interests broadly encompass algorithms, methods, and software for complex robots to make decisions and find feasible or optimal motions to achieve task objectives quickly and safely in the world. I am interested in techniques that generalize and apply to any robotic system, constraint, or environment and are fast, efficient, and easy to use within a broader system. I am also interested in the intersection between the theory and practice of robotics algorithms, finding where software engineering, hardware acceleration, and intelligent algorithm design can synergize to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

More details can be found in my curriculum vitae .

A picture of me from October 2024.

DSAI 3059